Happy New Year!
Wishing all our students and parents past and present a very happy (albeit belated) happy new year for 2018!
We had a a fantastic end to 2017 with 100% pass rate in our RAD Ballet Exams - congratulations to everybody who took part! We had a wonderful day celebrating your success at our presentation in November.
Nationwide there were 7,518 people involved in the Tapathon 2017 and we raised a staggering £38,600 in total and our contribution as a school was £1,190 - which is incredible! It was a great day and we hope everybody enjoyed playing their part in raising money for a great cause.

Our performance group rounded of their Christmas with a production of Aladdin in December. It was a fantastic evening and we are so proud of them being able to put it all together in only a few months time!
We are looking forward to another wonderful year at the dance academy with our upcoming Tap and Modern Exams and the announcement (very soon) of our next school show!